Thursday, July 24, 2008


Visualization of the various routes through a ...Image via Wikipedia
Holy technology!

I just tricked out my firefox with the extension, the zemanta extension, user-agent switcher and foxmarks. It's crazy all the free stuff you can get and how easy they make it to search and discover information all over the web. It makes me feel good that people are so interested in information sharing and retrieval that they work on and then provide free of charge their software. Here's some articles and pictures that Zemanta pulled up for me. The pics come from Flickr.
Here's the internet! It looks like outer space. Attached is an article from Zemanta about Zemanta.

Zemanta Pixie


Jure Cuhalev said...

Internet is indeed great. If you have any problems with Zemanta, feel free to send me email - visit our forums

Jure Cuhalev, Zemanta

Jure Cuhalev said...

Ups, that email should read :)